martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Las cosas que no nos dicen

He encontrado una entrada de un blog con un resumen de las cosas que NO te dicen antes de ir a trabajar a Walt Disney World, y me ha parecido extremadamente gracioso. Recomendaciones, avisos y grandes consejos en el idioma de Shakespeare:

So I decided to start with this: a list of several things that DCP recruiters probably won’t tell you with a bit of my own personal advice. By no means is this list all-inclusive. In fact, it barley scratches the surface. I tried to be concise but gave up, so if you just want some quick advice to sum it up, scroll to the very bottom where it says “Cut to the Chase”.

A LOT of specific details in relation to this list have been left out to protect the innocent…and the guilty. I’ll cough them up eventually, but if you contact me, I’ll be more than happy to talk to you one-on-one about the more incriminating stories.
  • The recruitment videos make you think that everyone is a clean-cut, peaches and cream candidate for the Brady Bunch. WRONG. Everyone is still a college kid (for the most part) i.e. horny, confused, crazy and likes to drink/ party. Only magnify this x10 because we don’t have classes, we all earn extra money so we can afford to go out, we all have irregular days off and we live in Orlando (but more on that stuff later).
  • Vista Way = Vista Lay (This is where I lived) Apparently, Playboy named Vista Way apartment complex the second easiest place to get laid. My theory? A high concentration of gay males (because it’s Disney) who may or may not be promiscuous…which leaves a much smaller number of straight guys in proportion to straight girls…add in all of the characteristics of said parties being college kids…you do the math ;)
  • Have a relationship at your own risk. Whether you come to the program in a relationship or end up starting one (or several) in the DCP, it will be hard. Why? Because of long distances, the evanescence of your time in the program, and most of all, temptation. Refer to the above.
  • Party Bus. You pay around $10 to get on a bus which takes you to clubs/ bars/ parties (mostly Downtown Orlando) depending on which day you go and who you go with. $10 covers the bus ride to club, admission and the bus ride home. If you are under 21, you may have to pay a little extra, which sucks. There are two competing busses: Will the Photographer and Kelvin Cast Party Bus. Clubs I went to most were Mako’s and Vain, but there are also Roxy, Bliss, Mojitos, and Bar One.
  • Other nights: Sunday is Service Industry Night in House of Blues which means you show your Disney ID and get in for free if you’re 21+ or you pay $12 if you’re under 21. Wednesday is Buffalo Wild Wings (aka. BDUBS). If you are under 21, you pay $5 to get into the restaurant which they turn into a karaoke bar/ dance club. Amici’s and Falafel had events some nights as well. Personally, I think it’s ridiculous to pay to get into a restaurant.
  • Something you need to understand: For most people who aren’t CP’s , the normal days to go out and party are Friday, Saturday and sometimes Thursday night. Why? Because those are the days people normally have off. However, CP’s all have different days off. I personally had Thursday and Friday, but some people have Monday and Tuesday etc. What does that mean? There is ALWAYS something going on so you can party EVERY SINGLE NIGHT if you want to.
  • You will probably hate your job. I did Outdoor Foods in Animal Kingdom. My duties included standing on my feet for 8+ hours, being responsible for tons of money when they gave us shoddy equipment to work with such as cash registers which didn’t have claws, being forced to throw away tons of perfectly good food and talking to guests who thought I could read their minds.
  • You are held responsible for everything. You are at the bottom of the totem pole. You will be underpaid and overworked so don’t do this program for the money; do it for the experience. You are under constant threat of termination or getting a reprimand for any reason (like calling out on a holiday). If you leave with a clean record, it’s probably because you didn’t have any fun =P
  • Play hooky at least three times. Make sure you call out though. In my experience, some of the best days I had in the program were days when I called out sick/ personal. Since they weren’t my normal days off, I felt obligated to make it worth my while so I explored Orlando, not just Disney, with some friends. Some places I went to were an organic food place called Dandelion, a science museum, resorts with “beaches”, a sex shop in the seedy part of town, a Halloween store, and a palm reader’s house.
  • What happens in Disney stays in Disney. This is the time to figure out your life and discover who you are or who you are trying to be. If you are ever torn between doing something or not doing something for whatever reason, just DO IT because it may be your only chance. MAKE MISTAKES because mistakes often make the best stories…and learning experiences.
  • I don’t know if it’s just for the fall program but around holiday time, you get a holiday coupon book for things like a free round of mini golf, free popcorn, 50% off a meal at one of the Disney restaurants and 40% off of Disney Merchandise.
  • In my experience, international guys can be the most touchy-feely. Honey, NO means NO in any language.
  • Bring a car or make a friend who has one.
  • The beds are rock hard…and tiny.
  • Apparently, the apartments were donated to Disney by Coca-cola, so CP’s “legally” shouldn’t have to pay rent, but we did. When calculated out, it costs almost $2000 per month for six people to live in a three bedroom apartment in Vista Way (which is “cheap” compared to Patterson or Chatham). Rip off? We thought so.
  • There were rumors of orgies going on in the Vista Way hot tub at 2am. There was also a rumor about some Chinese guys trying to catch one of the ducks around the pond so they could cook it.
Cut to the Chase: If given the chance, DO the Disney College Program. Calling it an “internship” is a bit of an over statement. As far as professional experience goes, probably the only, and frankly the most important, thing you will learn is what you NEVER want to do again for the rest of your life (i.e. a mind numbing, physically challenging, underpaying and overall crappy job). BUT you will also learn life lessons, meet a variety of people and have experiences that you will never have anywhere else. Just go in with both eyes open and an adventurous spirit.

martes, 17 de enero de 2012

La Orlando Magicard

Hoy he abierto una cartita muy interesante, con una revista de la oficina de turismo de Orlando y la famosa tarjeta de descuentos. 

Hay infinidad de descuentos y gratuidades, así que puede venir bien en muchos casos. Ya veremos si finalmente se le da uso. 

Como los Disney Recruiters piensen que no soy apto, la quemaré.

viernes, 6 de enero de 2012

El nuevo Fantasyland

Este año 2012 es cuando el área de Magic Kingdom tendrá la ampliación más grande que se ha hecho hasta la fecha en el primer parque de Walt Disney World, doblando el tamaño de Fantasyland. La verdad, no me importaría trabajar ahí. =D

Sigue leyendo tras el salto.

jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

El vuelo a París

¡Ya tengo los vuelos a París!

Finalmente con Pepetravel, que me regalan una entrada para visitar Disneyland. Son con Air Europa, llevo AÑOS queriendo viajar con una compañía que no sea Low Cost, ¡voy a poder facturar maleta sin pagar un extra! xDD Y además, los horarios son buenísimos. 

Estaremos un par de días en Disneyland Paris (sábado y domingo), el lunes por la mañana la entrevista (con el mundo mágico bien fresquito ^^) y el resto del día y todo el martes para hacer turismo por la capital francesa. Tendremos que hacer algún tipo de planning para ver qué vemos.

Los billetes de avión, junto con los 3,54€ del Certificado de penales, ya son los primeros gastos oficiales para Orlando =D.

También he imprimido ya toda la documentación necesaria para la entrevista, la semana que viene llevaré los papeles a la uni a ver si lo puedo tener ya todo listo, que en la época de exámenes me gustaría tenerla tranquila para centrarme.

Acabo de hacer el cuestionario/perfil online de Disney... Uff, qué nervios, ha habido momentos tensos, como cuando me pedían que en unos apartados escribiese 200 caracteres máximo y me he pensado que eran 200 palabras. Claro, no me dejaba pasar a la siguiente página, y he tenido que resumir a lo bruto xD .

martes, 3 de enero de 2012

El Criminal Record

Buenas, buenas noticas:
¡Ya tengo mi criminal record! O lo que se conoce por Certificado de penales aquí en España, apostillado para que valga fuera de las fronteras del país. Todo limpito, qué bueno soy... Ja ja ja.

También me han contestado, puedo hacer la entrevista el día 6 de febrero, lunes, así que la podré hacer con Josemi. También he enviado el e-mail de confirmación como que asistiré tal día, así que esta tarde a comprar los billetes de avión a París. Lo que me queda por hacer antes de la entrevista:

  • Proof of Student Status - para que se crean que soy estudiante y no les estoy mintiendo.*
  • Accreditation School Letter - una especie de permiso por parte de mi universidad, diciendo que estoy libre los días que dura el progama.*
  • International Services Application - la hoja con mis datos para la agencia.
  • Walt Disney Application - una especie de perfil que tengo que rellenar en la web de Disney.
  • Fotocopiar pasaporte.
  • Imprimir la Appointment Letter - la hoja en la que consta mi cita.
  • Hacerme una foto - Corresponde un previo acondicionamiento del cabello, por lo que llamaré a Paqui (mi guapa y estupenda peluquera, ja ja).
  • Elegir qué bolígrafo negro utilizaré - Ya sabéis, ¡el negro es el color de tinta oficial de Disney! xD
* Estos dos documentos me los tiene que hacer la perfectamente competente Universidad de Valencia, así que estoy acojonado.

Así que el próximo paso ya es el definitivo, ¡la entrevista! 

Canción que describe mi estado de ánimo:

Feeling Better by THE TEENAGERS

¡Solo quedan 159 días!